Fire Department
Manistee Township

Manistee Township fire Department
Manistee Township Fire Department maintains a 28-member volunteer fire department which also includes two cadets. The Manistee Township Fire Department was established in May of 1973, by a group of men with a great deal of foresight and little money. Many of those men remain as Charter Members of the Manistee Township Fire Department. Presently the Department has five trucks, including two engines, two tanker pumper trucks, and one brush/grass rig truck. The newest tanker/pumper truck was purchased in 2011 in conjunction with a grant from the Little River Revenue Sharing Board, and General Fund of Manistee Township.
Fire Department Officers
Fire Chief: Joe Cerka
Fire Captain: Sam Kosinski
Fire Lieutenant: Brian Forbes
EMS Captain: Shelby Fraly
EMS Lieutenant: Gordon Grant
To contact Fire Department Officers, please email
We appreciate your willingness to seek training, be on call at all hours of the day and night to serve the people of Manistee Township. Your professionalism in dealing with all situations makes you a valuable asset, and a source of pride to the community.
To each Manistee Township Fireman,
for all you have done and do to make Manistee Township a great place to live, work, and play.
Congratulations on 50 Years of Service by Manistee Township Fire Department
Thank you
1. Make sure your chimney is clean, this will help to avoid a chimney fire.
2. If you do not have a smoke detector - purchase one; they are life savers! If you have one - check and replace the batteries at regular intervals. (During Fall Back and Spring Ahead time changes is recommended.)
3. If you have a dry chemical fire extinguisher it is advisable to shake or tap it no less than every six months. This will help keep the powder from clumping, and make it more effective in an emergency. Make sure the gauge indicates you have a full extinguisher.
4. Plan an emergency evacuation drill, designating a place to meet outside the home. Practice this!
5. Post your house number, for easy location by emergency personnel.
6. Burning permits can be obtained by calling 866-922-2876 or go to
is the number
for all emergencies!